The National Electrical Contractors Association has enjoyed a long partnership with the IBEW (International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers). Our Joint Apprenticeship and Training Program is the backbone of our industry and provides the highly skilled and trained professionals for our contracting firms to employ. Our partnership in the Nebraska Chapter involves IBEW Local Union #265 (Lincoln) and IBEW Local Union #22 (Omaha).
Nebraska NECA and the IBEW partnership is best described by the mission statement below:
It is the mission of the NECA/IBEW partnership to provide the most qualified and best-educated workforce. Thru organizing, recruiting, and training, we will ensure a motivated workforce to meet the needs of an ever-expanding and changing industry. We will continue to be the industry leaders by promoting and providing training in all aspects of electrical contracting.

IBEW Local Union #22
Omaha, NE
Business Agent: Barry Mayfield
Phone: (402) 331-8147
Fax: (402) 331-0836
IBEW Local Union #265
Lincoln, NE
Business Agent: Chris Callihan
Phone: (402) 423-4497
Fax: (402) 423-4494